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  1. deity

  2. tapu 

  3. tatau

  4. mana

  5. malangan

  6. tatanua masks

  7. moai

  8. pukao

  9. monolith

  10. 'ahu 'ula

  1. spoila

  2. muezzin

  3. qibla wall

  4. horseshoe arch

  5. maqarnas

  6. maqsura

  7. hypostyle hall

  8. minaret

  9. mihrab

  10. voussoirs

  11. madksourah

  12. mosque

  13. Hejira

  14. Mecca

  15. Sunna

  16. Koran (Qur’an)

  17. arabesque

  18. calligraphy (kufic)

  19. caliph

  20. Allah

  21. imam

Europe 200-1325 CE: Unit 9

  1. leading

  2. gargoyles

  3. gables

  4. stained glass

  5. bosses

  6. cluster pier

  7. flying buttress

  8. rose window

  9. pinnacle

  10. tracery

  11. column statues

  12. rib groin vault

  13. lancet windows

  14. portal

  15. pointed arch

  16. ambulatory

  17. nave arcade

  18. triforium

  19. tribunal gallery

  20. aisle

  21. clerestory

  22. stringcourse

  23. lux nova

  24. quatrefoil/trefoil

Etruscan/Roman: Unit 8

Greek: Unit 7

  1. chiastic

  2. opisthodomus

  3. pronaos

  4. Ionic/Doric/Corinthian

  5. architrave

  6. amphora

  7. verisimilitude

  8. horror vacui

  9. contrapposto

  10. entablature

  11. peplos

  12. volute

  13. appropriation

  14. patina

  15. serpentine

  16. dipylon vase

  17. triglyph

  18. stylobate

  19. naos

  20. stereobate

  21. architrave

  22. “wet drapery”

  23. stoa

  24. frieze

  25. gigantomachy

  26. metope

  27. cornice

  28. pediment

  29. facade

  30. colonnade

  31. portico

  32. peripteral

  33. peristyle

  34. entasis

Egypt: Unit 6

  1. atlantids
  2. causeway
  3. engaged columns
  4. entablature
  5. ka
  6. sphinx
  7. diorite
  8. colonnades
  9. clerestory
  10. pylon
  11. hierarchal
  12. hieroglyphics
  13. mastaba
  14. ben-ben
  15. mortuary
  16. temple
  17. hypostyle (hall)
  18. canon

The Near East: Unit 5

  1. cella

  2. stele

  3. apadana

  4. z axis

  5. registers/friezes

  6. lapiz lazuli

  7. hierarchy of scale

  8. votive offering

  1. courses                  
  2. pre-Columbian
  3. ashlar masonry    
  4. effigy mound
  5. Mesoamerica      
  6. earthwork
  1. fetish object
  2. nkondi
  3. minkisi
  4. nkisi
  5. Sika Dwa Kofi    
  6. shody
  7. ibol
  8. nyim
  9. Oba
  10. hieratic scale
  11. regalia    
  12. daga
  13. zimbabwe
  14. lukasa
  15. ndop
  16. courses  

Vocabulary by Unit:


Global Prehistoric: Unit 1

  1. Paleolithic

  2. Neolithic

  3. schematic

  4. animism

  5. undulation

  6. shaman/shamanism/shamanistic

  7. mimetic

  8. abstraction

  9. megalith

  10. post and lintel

The Pacific: Unit 2

  1. deity

  2. tapu 

  3. tatau

  4. mana

  5. malangan

  6. tatanua masks

  7. moai

  8. pukao

  9. monolith

  10. 'ahu 'ula

Africa: Unit 3

Indigenous Americas: Unit 4

Islamic Art: Unit 10

  1. veristic portraits
  2. travertine
  3. oculus
  4. pilaster
  5. longitudinal
  6. catacombs
  7. basilica
  8. barrelvault
  9. arch
  10. exedrae
  11. illusionism
  12. fresco
  13. forum
  14. amphitheatre
  15. arcade
  16. apse
  17. portico
  18. nave
  19. voussoirs
  20. dome
  21. engaged column
  22. clerestory
  23. aisles
  24. necropolis
  25. tumulus
  26. portico
  27. terra cotta
  28. sarcophagus
  29. pseudo peripteral temple

Europe 1300-1750: Unit 11

  1. buttress
  2. zoomorphic
  3. serpentine
  4. interlacing
  5. filigree
  6. cloisonne
  7. curtain wall
  8. squinch
  9. conches
  10. pendentive
  11. lunette
  12. transept
  13. clerestory
  14. theocracy
  15. tesserae
  16. encaustic
  17. atrium
  18. crossing
  19. narthex
  20. arcade
  21. nave
  22. blind arcade
  23. iconoclast/iconodules
  24. aniconic
  25. orthodox
  26. orant figures
  27. catacomb
  28. spoila
  29. cathedral
  30. chalice
  31. codex
  32. continuous narrative
  33. Eucharist
  34. Iconostasis
  35. mosaic
  36. paten
  37. pendentive
  38. squinch
  39. ​Theotokos
  1. westwork

  2. triforium

  3. ambulatory

  4. choir

  5. radiating chapel

  6. crossing

  7. transept

  8. nave

  9. cloister

  10. mandorla

  11. reliquary

  12. archivolts

  13. jambs

  14. voussoirs

  15. lintel

  16. trumeau

  17. tympanum


Early Christian + Byzantine


Baroque: Unit 12

18th Century, Enlightenment, Neoclassical, Romanticism: Unit 13

Cross Cultural: Unit 14

  1. vanitas
  2. camera obscura
  3. etching 
  4. intaglio
  5. editions
  6. tenebrism
  7. chiaroscuro
  1. Hudson River School

  2. Manifest Destiny

  3. revival (architecture)

  4. The Sublime

  5. mysticism (pertaining to art)

  6. Romanticism

  7. Gothic (pertaining to Romanticism)

  8. gothic sensibility

  9. caprice

  10. odalisque

  11. Fete galante

  12. Grand Tour

  13. academies

  14. salon

  15. Enlightenment

  16. Neo Classicism

  17. Rococo

  1. deity

  2. tapu 

  3. tatau

  4. mana

  5. malangan

  6. tatanua masks

  7. moai

  8. pukao

  9. monolith

  10. 'ahu 'ula

Buddhist/Indian Hindu: Units 15 + 16

  1. womb chamber

  2. Brahma

  3. primordial human being

  4. finial

  5. amalaka

  6. Vishnu

  7. axis mundi

  8. Buddhism

  9. Hinduism

  10. shikhara

  11. torana

  12. chaltya

  13. stupa

  14. yasti

  15. Shiva

  16. mandala

  17. karma

  18. ascetic

  19. nirvana

  20. yakshis/yakshas

  21. aniconic

  22. samsara

  23. circumambulation

  24. bodhisattva

  25. dharma

China: Unit 17

  1. Vishnu

  2. Samsara

  3. Buddhism

  4. Hinduism

  5. Bhagavad Vita

  6. dharma

  7. chaltya

  8. stupa

  9. yasti

  10. Shiva

  11. mandala

  12. karma

  13. ascetic

  14. nirvana

  15. schist

  16. aniconic

  17. samsara

  18. yakshis/yakshas

  19. bodhisattva

  20. torana

Early Modernism


Modernism: Unit 19

  1. deity

  2. tapu 

  3. tatau

  4. mana

  5. malangan

  6. tatanua masks

  7. moai

  8. pukao

  9. monolith

  10. 'ahu 'ula

Japan: Unit 18

  1. deity

  2. tapu 

  3. tatau

  4. mana

  5. malangan

  6. tatanua masks

  7. moai

  8. pukao

  9. monolith

  10. 'ahu 'ula

Global Contemporary: Unit 20

  1. deity

  2. tapu 

  3. tatau

  4. mana

  5. malangan

  6. tatanua masks

  7. moai

  8. pukao

  9. monolith

  10. 'ahu 'ula


A very special thank you to Dr. Robert Coad for his infinite wisdom, amazing workshops, gift of materials and time, and years of support.

Another special thank you to Ms. Marsha Russell for her devotion to teaching and generosity in sharing her materials and knowledge with all of us.

Thank you to Valerie Park for her inspirational AP Art History web site that guided the creation of this site.

And finally, if you choose to use any of the images or information from this site, I ask that you kindly give me credit.  Thank you for visiting!

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