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Themes in Art History + Understanding Formal Analysis:

  1. Sacred Space

  2. Images of Power/Authority and Rule/Propaganda

  3. Objects of Wealth and Status

  4. Ritual Objects of Belief

  5. Funereal Traditions, Death

  6. War and Violence

  7. Images of Identity - cultural, social, political

  8. Issues of Gender - masculine and feminine

  9. The Natural World

  10. Materials and their Symbolic Importance

  11. Visual / Conceptual

  12. The Ideal

  13. Individual vs. the Collective

  14. Humanist Tradition

  15. The Human Body

  16. Innovation: Materials & Techniques

  17. Change over time

  18. Sacred / Profane

  19. Social Commentary (began 18th c.)

  20. Narrative Art

  21. Artist as Subject

  22. Propaganda

  23. Individual and Society

  24. Diversity

Understanding Formal Analysis in Art History:
Themes in AP Art History (5)-1.jpg
Themes in AP Art History (5)-3.jpg
Themes in AP Art History (5)-4.jpg
Themes in AP Art History (5)-2.jpg


A very special thank you to Dr. Robert Coad for his infinite wisdom, amazing workshops, gift of materials and time, and years of support.

Another special thank you to Ms. Marsha Russell for her devotion to teaching and generosity in sharing her materials and knowledge with all of us.

Thank you to Valerie Park for her inspirational AP Art History web site that guided the creation of this site.

And finally, if you choose to use any of the images or information from this site, I ask that you kindly give me credit.  Thank you for visiting!

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