AP Art History

153. Chavín de Huántar. Northern highlands, Peru. Chavín. 900–200 B.C.E. Stone (architectural complex)

153. Chavín de Huántar. Northern highlands, Peru. Chavín. 900–200 B.C.E., granite (Lanzón and sculpture)

153. Chavín de Huántar. Northern highlands, Peru. Chavín. 900–200 B.C.E. Lanzón Stela, Chavín de Huántar, Peru. Chavín culture, c. 900 B.C.E. Granite, height 15’.

153. Chavín de Huántar. Northern highlands, Peru. Chavín. 900–200 B.C.E. -Nose ornament. Cut and hammered gold, overall height 1 ¼” x width 3 ¾”. Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, Ohio.

155. Yaxchilán. Chiapas, Mexico. Maya. 725 C.E. Limestone (architectural complex). -Lintel 25, Structure 23, Lady Xoc, ca. 725 C.E. Limestone, 3’7” x 2’ 6 ½”. British Museum, London, England

155. Yaxchilán. Chiapas, Mexico. Maya. 725 C.E. Limestone (architectural complex). -Lintel 25, Structure 23, Lady Xoc, ca. 725 C.E. Limestone, 3’7” x 2’ 6 ½”. British Museum, London, England

155. Yaxchilán. Chiapas, Mexico. Maya. 725 C.E. Limestone (architectural complex). -Lintel 25, Structure 23, Lady Xoc, ca. 725 C.E. Limestone, 3’7” x 2’ 6 ½”. British Museum, London, England
CONTENT: What do you see?
FORM: The details (what you see more exactly). How the artist delivers the content.
CONTEXT: Everything NOT observable.
FUNCTION: The intended purpose of the work.
Indigenous Americas
Unit Sheet:
APAH 250 Images:
(From earlier Prehistoric unit):
3. Camelid sacrum in the shape of a canine
10. Tlatilco female figurine
153. Chavin de Huantar
- Lanzon Stela
- relief sculpture
- nose ornament
155. Yaxchilan
- Lintel 25, Structure 23
- Structure 33
Teotihaucan - City of Teotihaucan
- Pyramid of the Sun
- Pyramid of the Moon
- Temple of the Feathered Serpent
157. Templo Mayor (main temple)
- The Coyolxauhqui Stone
- Calendar Stone
- Olmec-style mask
158. Motecuhzoma II - Ruler's feather
159. City of Cusco plan
- curved Inka wall
- walls at Saqsa Waman
160. Maize cob
161. City of Machu Picchu
- observatory
- Intihuatana Stone
162. All-T'oqapu tunic
North America:
154. Mesa Verde cliff dwellings
166. Black-on-black ceramic vessel
Eastern Woodlands:
156. Great Serpent Mound
163. Bandolier Bag
165. Painted Elk Hide
Northwest Coastal:
164. Transformation Mask

Indigenous Americas
Unit Sheet:

North American Cultural Regions
(click to enlarge)
Major Civilizations
Olmec (1200-400 BCE) Mexico
Teotihuacan (1 BCE- 800 CE) Near Mexico City
Mayan (300-900 CE)Belize, Gautemala, Honduras, Yucatan
Nazca (200-600 CE) Coastal Peru
Moche (1-700 CE) Coastal Peru
Anasazi (550-1400 CE) American Southwest
Mississippian (800-1500 CE) Eastern United States
Aztecs (1400-1521) Central Mexico
Inca (1400-1521) Peru (no writing but a kept a record system, khipu)
NW Coast Native American (18th c- present) Pacific NW