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Buddhist Philosophies

  • Teaches individuals how to cope in the world full or misery.

  • Buddha, Siddhartha, when he was a prince first, rejected worldly concerns and courtly life and decided to live in the country.

  • Believes in reincarnation, a cycle of birth and rebirth.

  • Enlightenment, or reaching Nirvana, ends the cycle, through good deeds and living a devotional life to charities, religious fervor, and love of all.

Common Themes of Buddism

  • The Lion = Buddha's initial royalty

  • The Wheel (chakra) = Buddha's law

  • The Lotus = Buddha's pure nature

  • Columns surrounds by a wheel = Buddha's teachings

  • Empty throne, umbrella, footsteps, lone wheel, Bodhi tree = Buddha

CONTENT: What do you see?

FORM: The details (what you see more exactly). How the artist delivers the content.

CONTEXT: Everything NOT observable.

FUNCTION: The intended purpose of the work.




UNIT SHEET: below 




182. Buddha


184. Jowo Rinpoche, enshirined in the Jokhang Temple


192. Great Stupa at Sanchi

        - plan and elevation

        - North Gate

        - ambulatory


195. Longmen caves


198. Borobudur Temple

APAH 250 Images:

Buddhist/Hindu Unit Sheet
Buddhism Concepts + Contexts


A very special thank you to Dr. Robert Coad for his infinite wisdom, amazing workshops, gift of materials and time, and years of support.

Another special thank you to Ms. Marsha Russell for her devotion to teaching and generosity in sharing her materials and knowledge with all of us.

Thank you to Valerie Park for her inspirational AP Art History web site that guided the creation of this site.

And finally, if you choose to use any of the images or information from this site, I ask that you kindly give me credit.  Thank you for visiting!

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